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Nithyananda Paramahansa

I committed adultery in 2009. Me. Not anyone else. Me. Bad Influence. I had repeated sexual intercourse with a married woman, who had a child. A child who was aged three. The woman was separated but still married and matters had not been settled properly between her husband. I was a contributory cause in the breakup of their marriage and I must and will shoulder that burden and the consequences of it for the rest of my life. I believe one may be redeemed if they truly seek forgiveneness from God or those that were hurt in the process, which I have done in my heart at times, but I cannot even begin to imagine the pain I caused my family, her husband and especially my mother who I love with all of my heart. Even as I type, I feel the shame and embarassment run through but you know what. I do not care. My life must be  known to the public if I intend to become a public person. Which I do.  Trust is missing in this world. When one breaks it, they must seek to address the details and issues of the matter at hand before redemption can come.  I am a hypocrit in many respects but what leads me to Truth is my pursuit of fearlessness in exposing my own personal wrongs.


Catholic confessions are made for the priest. I give my personal exposure to the world. May this lead to hurt of others? I am cautious about this. Those who are family will, I hope and pray, know where my heart lies and understand my goals and see that Love and Truth are more important to me than my life. 


How can one believe in an all-seeing God when he covers what God already sees from God's other children? In my ignorance would lie my destruction which plagues my internal spiritual progress, and I must oust it, come what may. 


Remember, I intend to become a public fugure with a vision for real peace. 

If you are more a private person, that's ok but recognize in yourself your own personal wrongs as muchas you can. I have many.


Why do I say all of this? I am no avatar. Nor do I claim to be. Nor will I ever charge a penny to anyone for spiritual knowledge or for things there is NO NEED charging them for. I won't aim to make them my disciple when I know I am no Christ, No Buddha, or Krishna. I won't give people hard drugs, have sex with children or exploit or deceive peeople for my financial or sexual gain. 


Why? Because if Krishna, Jesus or Buddha, Guru Nanak etc preached or desired money for themselves and asked or ordered devotees to give this money, we would object to the immorality and label them hypocrits.


If that is not sinful what is? When Nithyananda gets people to follow extremely expensive spiritual programs, receives large donations, get followers to sign sexual contracts, claims he was (falsely and conveniently) enlightened on 1st January 2000, is caught on camera by Sun TV in 2010 committing adultery with a woman, who recently has become a sannyasi (Ranjitha), fails to address the incident and lies about it, threatens to burn to ashes people who have proven his insincerity, sits on a golden throne, threatens legal action against anyone who wants to expose him, and continues his cult of sexual misconduct as an apparent avatar, it bothers me. Innocent people are involved who are giving themselves to him and his cause in vein. He is not sincere in his heart and this is evident. He has no intention of coming clean. He continues to deceive his exploited following which is unfair and immoral. The Hindu world has coughed up it's fair share or fake godmen/women and gurus but some of them really take the biscuit. 


To this day, Nithyananda continues his scam and I tell you what mate. I am going to uproot it with everything I have got.



"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."


                - Lord Jesus Christ, Gospel of Matthew 6:24 (New International). 


"If one offers me with love and devotion a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I will accept it."


               - Lord Krishna, Bhagavad Gita (9:26) (Prabhupada translation)




God wants your heart and not your riches. Renounce Nithyananda.





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