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Meet Nouman Ali Khan


He is another Islamic speaker who seems nice at face value; religiously tolerant, westernised, humble and overall pretty harmless. 


Here is why I beg to differ.


He is essentially no different from any other Islamic speaker that attacks non-muslim religions for no reason. 


In my video, Nouman Ali Khan Exposed (see lower left), I demonstrated how on one hand Nouman addresses the "Innocence of Muslims" video using references from the Islamic texts to prove that Prophet Muhammad and his companions faced the same if not worse scenarios with apparently unprovoked non-muslims attacking their beliefs. Nouman Advised his audience to not only love their prophet but guide that love, since Muhammad and the early Muslims dealt with such scenarios with peaceful resistance. Now there is truth to this, however there is also falsehood. I will deal with this at a later stage. 


My video switches back and forth to a "khutbah" or religious sermon/gathering that Nouman gave at a separate time in front of fellow Muslims.


Here, as per the video, you can see him, mocking, denouncing and misrepresenting Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. 


You can see him clearly amongst Muslims, claiming that Hindus and Buddhists worship "false Gods", offer snickers bars, chocolate milk and ice cream to them and that since the idols  or the "big statue that's staring at you" could not stop a fly from eating that food, how can it be God?


Now, consider this. 


Does Nouman and his Muslim followers HONESTLY think that when Hindus and Buddhists buy or make by hand, a statue of Ganesha or Buddha, that they think it will move, breathe, laugh, dance, meditate under the sacred banyan tree, start preaching the Three Jewels of Buddhism etc? 


Honestly? ... 


OR Is it possible that Hindus and Buddhists are using that idol/statue as a representation or focal point of concentration to remind them and keep them in tune with a higher reality that Ganesha and Buddha represent?


Does a Buddhist think that Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, who came 2500 years ago is physically present before them? 


Ofcourse not. 


Nouman does not quote or refer to ANY Hindu or Buddhist scriptures but bases his argument and mockery on a strawman he created from mere OBSERVATION and attacks it as if Hindu and Buddhist beliefs are, as he puts it, "crushed before their very eyes". 


In other words, he acts NO DIFFERENT from the (implied) unprovoked non-muslims of Muhammad's time 1400 years ago. 


He is a hypocrit.


Did a Buddhist or Hindu attack his beliefs?


I did not ask you to point to Sri Lanka, Gujirat or Myanmar.  


I am asking you if Nouman Ali Khan witnessed Hindus or Buddhists attack his religious beliefs like he did to theirs?


If I based my understanding of Islam on observation I would say Muslims circle and bow to a black stone in  Saudi Arabia. Therefore they worship the stone.


The Muslim, not seeing my obvious point would cry, "AH HAH! In the Quran Allah asks us to face the Kaaba!.. we do NOT worship it!". 


My reply would be... well  you accepted Nouman Ali Khan's unprovoked attack based on observing Hindu and Buddhist practices without checking Hindu or Buddhist texts, so why should I listen to you when you direct me to the Quran? 


Nouman should apologize. He won't ofcourse because his intention is to mislead people into thinking Islam and Muslims are tolerant and respectful of non-muslim religions, when what we witness is evident from their Islamic media. Ever so evident. It's all to convert people to Islam. This will continue, but I will aim to keep it in check. 



I am not against informed and consented/unpressured conversion. I am against deceptive, pressured, manipulated, uninformed and forceful conversion.


Watch my video and decide for yourself if Nouman is sincere or just like any other instigator.







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